Strange side pot behaviour after All-in version 0. It is still possible to play as guest, but certain restrictions apply. It was a problem with random-number-generation version 0. This email address is being protected from spambots. Everyone else who did not fold is now able to show the cards by choice. No longer beep if ignored player uses nickname in chat
Nom: pokerth 0.9.5
Format: Fichier D'archive
Système d'exploitation: Windows, Mac, Android, iOS
Licence: Usage Personnel Seulement
Taille: 19.44 MBytes

Ability to start a vote not restored when leaving a game version 0. The menu on the game table was not clickable sometimes version 1. Leave game button now correctly enabled after end of game really: Profitez … plus d'infos Nero vous offre la chance de profiter de disque de données poketh renommée mondiale de Nero gravure et la copie des fonctions pour une durée indéterminée, tout à fait gratuitement!

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Right click on a player's nick in the lobby to place the player on the ignore list. No longer beep if ignored player uses nickname in chat - translation updates. It is still possible to play as guest, but certain restrictions apply. CyberLink PowerDVD propose aux consommateurs de nouvelles dimensions de divertissement avec leurs films.

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